If you choose to use a greeting message for callers you can also choose what the caller hears while they are waiting for you to answer the phone. You have three options:-
- Ringing - The caller just hears ringing while waiting for you to answer. This is the default option.
- Music - Research suggests that as well as giving a professional impression, people will hold for up to an additional 30 seconds if they are played music while they are waiting for you to pick up. trueCall Recorder allows you to select from a list of 18 great music clips covering a variety of styles – listen to the selections here.
- Marketing message - You can record your own marketing message to play to your callers while they are waiting – maybe telling them about new products or special offers. This increases product awareness, increases the length of time callers are prepared to wait, and some studies have shown that up to 35% of callers purchased something they had heard about in an on-hold marketing message!