trueCall Home PA allows you to customise the way that your calls are handled by specifying a CallFlow for each category of caller. This gives you complete control over the way that your incoming calls are handled.
trueCall Home PA has a phone book that allows you to store phone numbers and classify each of them as a particular category of caller. When you receive a call trueCall looks up the caller’s number in your phone book and picks up the call category. If it doesn’t find the number in the phone book it categorises it by type - mobile phone, business caller (numbers starting 08/09), or international. If there is no number then it classifies it as number withheld or number unavailable.
Once it has categorised the call trueCall runs the appropriate CallFlow.
There are 15 different CallFlows:-
1. Accept call - trueCall rings your phone as normal and if you don’t answer will ask the caller to leave a message.
2. Voice menu - play the menu to the caller.
3. Greet and connect caller - Answer the call, greet the caller, then ring the phone playing either ringing, music or a marketing message.
4. Ask caller to press a button - (Shield) trueCall plays your personal greeting and then the Shield Announcement:
“If you are family or a friend please press 5, if you are a cold caller please hang up and don’t call us again”.
Shield is particularly useful if you get a lot of recorded message or fax calls - the automated equipment that calls you doesn’t know to press a button, so trueCall can reject the call without disturbing you. The Shield Breakthrough Number is randomly generated for each trueCall unit.
5. Ask caller to leave message - The caller hears ringing for 8 seconds (but your phone doesn’t ring) and is then asked to leave a message (as though you are not at available).
6. Ask caller to leave message (use Personal Announcement 1 as greeting) - as the previous option but using an alternative announcement.
7. Out of hours/Take message - Play message to the caller that the office is closed and that they should call back during opening hours or leave a message.
8. Play Personal Announcement 1 - Play Personal Announcement 1 to the caller then hang up the line.
9. Play Personal Announcement 2 - Play Personal Announcement 2 to the caller then hang up the line.
10. Play Personal Announcement 3 - Play Personal Announcement 3 to the caller then hang up the line.
11. Ask for Callers Code - trueCall answers the phone and ask the caller to enter a code. If they enter the correct code your phone will ring. By default your Callers Code is the last two digits of your trueCall unit's serial number.
12. Block with Zap message - trueCall plays an announcement telling the caller to hang up and not call again.
13. Block with anonymous caller message - trueCall plays an announcement to the caller saying that you don’t accept calls from anonymous callers.
14. Urgent callers only - trueCall answers the phone for you and tells the caller that you are asleep. It gives the caller the choice of leaving a message or pressing the hash key (#) to ring your phone.
15. Whisper - trueCall answers the call for you and asks the caller to say their name then press the hash key. If they say nothing it rejects their call, otherwise it rings your phone and announces them, giving you the choice of accepting the call, asking the caller to leave a message, or Starring/Zapping the caller.
All announcements can be recorded with your own wording and in your own voice.