trueCall Home PA has a voice menu system – this allows you to give your callers options and you the choice to maybe play them a message or send them to voicemail as the best way of handling their call.
You can specify seven options (asking the caller to press buttons 0 through to 6) and the Callflow options are :-
- Ring phone
- Send to voicemail (with or without a pre-ring)
- Ask for callers name then ring your phone
- Ask for callers name, ring phone then announce them
- Ask the caller to ring back later
- Play personal announcement 1, 2 or 3 then hang up
- Play personal announcement 1, 2 or 3 then return to the menu
You need to record a Voice menu announcement that tells the caller what the options are.
See an example of how the trueCall Home PA Voice menu can be used