Imagine we are running Acme Widgets Ltd and want a menu system to handle our calls with the announcement:-
“Hello, you are through to Acme Widgets Ltd. For sales press one, for purchasing press two, for accounts press three, for Christmas opening hours press four, to leave a message for Bob press five, or to speak to reception press zero”
Press 1 - Ask caller to say their name and ring phone – this will then tell you who is calling when you answer
Press 2 - Ask caller to say their name and announce it through the speaker – you may wish to leave the caller to go to voicemail if you are busy
Press 3 - Our bookkeeper works from home so we play a message to the caller asking them to hang up and redial another number
Press 4 - This will play details of the Christmas opening hours then return the caller to the menu to make another selection
Press 5 - Bob is rarely in the office so callers can leave a message for him
Press 0 - If the caller can’t make up their mind then just ring the phone!